Crematorium Consulting

Electric cremation

Electric cremation

The electric cremation is not new. The first one was in India in 1989. The basic idea was to serve the purpose of environmental friendly cremations. In order to tackle environmental pollution, electric crematoriums are set up. The electric system of cremation is used by certain sections of the society. It’s more the green person who chooses for a electric cremation. Because of it’s green and environment friendly behaviour.

Advantages electric cremation

Take for instant the basic traditional funeral pyre in India which requires around 500-600 Kg of firewood, three litres of kerosene and as some prefer 300 till 400 cow-dung cakes per dead body. The total costs turn around 25,- till 35,- in total. Mortal remains can be taken only after 24 hours. On the other hand, electric cremation is comparatively less expensive. Relatives can take the ash remains within a few hours of cremation. In electric cremation, wood is not burned and there are no gas emissions. It is no doubt an unconventional way of cremation but it helps in saving resources like wood, kerosene, etc. It is the most economical option for a funeral.

“Green cremation system”

This “green cremation” is also a concept being developed but has not been very popular like the electric cremation. It is an alternate method of cremation in which most can also follow all their traditional rituals. It is affordable, energy efficient, and generates less water and air pollution, while all the religious needs of are taken into consideration. In the green cremation system, a man sized metal grate is constructed beneath a roof and a chimney, and woods are placed on the metal base. The use of chimney enable better air circulation and reduces heat loss. It uses much lesser amount of wood (around 150 till 200 Kg) to burn a body as compared to the wood (500 till 600 Kg) used in the traditional funeral pyre. Also, it takes less time for the entire cremation, somewhere around 2 hours, as compared to 6 till 8 hours in the traditional cremation. While the emissions are reduced by 60%, the cost is also reduced significantly. The green cremation system has been developed but it has not been popularised yet in India. In Europe and other countries in the world this green cremation system is not used. In Europe they use electric cremation furnaces. But what makes it a electric furnace? This is only for preheating of the cremation camber itself by using electricity. For the rest there is no electricity used during the cremation, as the cremation process is controlled by increasing or decreasing oxygen levels inside the cremation camber or retort.

Use electric cremation furnaces

Electric cremation means saving valuable resources like fuels, water and saving the environment. It’s high time now that people should get rid of the myths associated with electric cremation. It is also a myth that religious customs cannot take place in an electric cremation furnace as this is only used to heat the furnace and is not used during the cremation itself. As in the world cremations are increasing the electric cremator is the answer for a green funeral.