Crematorium Consulting

Death and the meaning of a cremation

Cremation meaning to cremate

The cremation meaning of the word cremation is the combustion, vaporization and oxidation of deceased bodies to basic chemical compounds. Such as gases, ashes and mineral fragments retaining. A cremation is nothing new, this is a faster way to return to dust. And is preformed when the deceased doesn’t want to have a burial service during a funeral. When death occurs and a human or pet is deceased. So that a cremation can be performed.

Meaning cremation

There can be several different meanings to a cremation one of them is religious and is a cultural social happening something from a long time ago. To cremate a human body of a deceased including the casket has a average time of one and half till 2 hours. The other meaning of a cremation can be that someone thinks that it’s a quickest way to return to ashes and till dust and so quickly return to nature. Read more about the meaning of cremation

Meaning to die and meet death

When some knows he or she is going to die because of a sickness or just of age. There is always the question what does someone wants after his or her death? There can be a burial funeral or a cremation. When the undertaker comes this question is standard one of the first. The best and most environmentally friendly funeral would be the cremation.

Environmentally friendly cremation

There are cremators on the cremation market that can filter every emission out so a cremation has zero emission. A burial is more energy efficient of course but has a more negative effect on the environment. The meaning of a cremation is the fastest way to recycle the remains of the deceased.